Functional Error Handling in Scala

Anzori (Nika) Ghurtchumelia

3rd April 2023

This is an article about Functional error handling which will Either turn out to be Success or Failure. In my opinion it is Right to say that you have None to lose and Some to gain if you read it. So I suggest you to at least Try and check this out — the Option is Left to you 😎.

How many times have you blown up the stack on purpose by doing something like throw new RuntimeException("Boom!")? I myself have done that gazillion times and I know the drill.

I can guarantee you that you can do better if you learn a little about functional error handling.

The whole idea of functional error handling is to treat errors as ordinary values. With this principle in mind we distribute our attention evenly between successful and failed computations making both cases equally important.

Sure, there are situations when we fall back to raising errors because there is no other way out, however, sometimes we can avoid throwing exceptions and follow the systematic approach of functional error handling which inherently leads to writing better programs that are pure, composable and most importantly, stack safe.

In Scala standard library we have a few data structures which help us to practice what we preach, these are — Option, Either and Try.

It is highly likely that you’re already familiar with Option due to the fact that it’s present in almost all mainstream programming languages. Option is an effect that communicates the possible absence of value in any arbitrary computation whatsoever.

Option is ADT, a covariant sum type with two exclusive cases: Some[+A] — a placeholder of value and None — a case of absence, which extends Option[Nothing] and Nothing is a subtype of anything in Scala and all that conforms to covariance rules.

People have lots of different opinions about the benefits of Option but in my view it’s a functional analogue of working with null values. In fact None is a pure value equivalent of null.

Moreover, in Scala we rarely deal with nulls directly unless we work with Java API-s which are imperative in nature and even for them there are workarounds - we can write Scala API wrappers and make them use Option instead which turns our impure functions into pure ones and we all know that pure functions are gold!

Let’s see a few examples of Option usage:

object imperative { // impure function def midRange(nums: Seq[Double]): Double = { if (nums.isEmpty) throw new IllegalArgumentException("numbers must be non empty") else (nums.min + nums.max) / 2 } } object functional { // pure function def midRange(nums: Seq[Double]): Option[Double] = Option.when(nums.nonEmpty)((nums.min + nums.max) / 2) }

Why throwing an exception when we can simply return None?

object imperative_client { import imperative._ midRange(Seq.empty) // unsafe, blows the stack up :D } object functional_client { import functional._ midRange(Seq.empty) // None, safe midRange(Seq(1, 2)) // Some(1.5), safe midRange(Seq(1)) // Some(1.0), safe }

Now let’s see a more complicated example where the true power of these data structures come in — compositionality. All of those three data structures support flatMap and map methods that allow us to chain the computations which may be depended on previous ones.

Composition is my favourite characteristic of functional programming, especially in the domain of error handling because they inherently support short circuiting.

Imagine having a scenario where we’re trying to build an instance of our domain model which may fail for any arbitrary reason whatsoever.

Usually such constraints are imposed by our business requirements.

Consider an example:

final case class Transaction ( id: TransactionId, from: Account, to: Account, amount: Amount, currency: Currency ) final case class TransactionId private(value: String) extends AnyVal final case class AccountId private(value: String) extends AnyVal final case class OwnerId private(value: String) extends AnyVal final case class Amount private (value: BigDecimal) extends AnyVal final case class FirstName private (value: String) extends AnyVal final case class LastName private (value: String) extends AnyVal final case class Account ( id: AccountId, owner: Owner ) final case class Owner ( id: OwnerId, firstName: FirstName, lastName: LastName ) sealed trait Currency object Currency { case object USD extends Currency case object EUR extends Currency case object GBP extends Currency // smart constructor def fromString: String => Option[Currency] = { case "USD" => Some(Currency.USD) case "EUR" => Some(Currency.EUR) case "GBP" => Some(Currency.GBP) case _ => None } }

Transaction creation may fail for which we could use Option to signify that, but first we need to create constructors for domain models such as: TransactionId, AccountId, Account and so on, let’s start with simple ones — IDs:

object TransactionId { import java.util.UUID._ def gen: TransactionId = new TransactionId(randomUUID().toString) } object AccountId { import java.util.UUID._ def gen: AccountId = new AccountId(randomUUID().toString) } object OwnerId { import java.util.UUID._ def gen: OwnerId = new OwnerId(randomUUID().toString) }

Great, now let’s write smart constructors for the rest:

object Amount { def fromBigDecimal(amount: BigDecimal): Option[Amount] = Option.when(amount > 0 && amount <= 10_000)(new Amount(amount)) } object FirstName { def fromString(name: String): Option[FirstName] = Option.when((1 to 20).contains(name.length))(FirstName(name)) } object LastName { def fromString(name: String): Option[LastName] = Option.when((1 to 30).contains(name.length))(LastName(name)) }

Now let’s try to instantiate Transaction with the help of for comprehensions which is a syntactic sugar over nested flatMap calls which ends with yield keyword that is essentially equivalent of calling final map:

// Some(Transaction(...)) val someTransaction: Option[Transaction] = for { fromFName <- FirstName.fromString("Nika") fromLName <- LastName.fromString("Ghurtchumelia") from = Account(AccountId.gen, Owner(OwnerId.gen, fromFName, fromLName)) toFName <- FirstName.fromString("Martin") toLName <- LastName.fromString("Odersky") to = Account(AccountId.gen, Owner(OwnerId.gen, toFName, toLName)) amount <- Amount.fromBigDecimal(BigDecimal(5_000)) currency <- Currency.fromString("USD") } yield Transaction(TransactionId.gen, from, to, amount, currency) // Me paying huge props to Martin Odersky for creating such a beautiful programming language xD! someTransaction match { case Some(tx) => println(s"${tx.from.owner.firstName} sending ${tx.currency} ${tx.amount} to ${}") case _ => println("No money no honey") }

Please notice that instantiation of Transaction may fail due to the following reasons:

Invalid FirstName — either empty or too long, more than 20 chars Invalid LastName — either empty or too long, more than 30 chars Invalid Amount — either non positive or too much, more than 10_000 units Invalid Currency — any other currency than USD, EUR or GPB

Let’s see a failed attempt:

// None val noTransaction: Option[Transaction] = for { fromFName <- FirstName.fromString("") // creation fails with short circuiting and for-comprehension exits with None fromLName <- LastName.fromString("Ghurtchumelia") from = Account(AccountId.gen, Owner(OwnerId.gen, fromFName, fromLName)) toFName <- FirstName.fromString("Martin") toLName <- LastName.fromString("Odersky") to = Account(AccountId.gen, Owner(OwnerId.gen, toFName, toLName)) amount <- Amount.fromBigDecimal(BigDecimal(5_000)) currency <- Currency.fromString("USD") } yield Transaction(TransactionId.gen, from, to, amount, currency)

As I already mentioned there are more than one ways where creating an instance of Transaction can go wrong and Voila! that’s where Either steps in. Either is similar to Option but it’s richer in terms of representing concrete failure reasons by incorporating a special domain error hierarchies within the data structure whereas Option only communicates possible absence of value.

Either gives you one out of two possible outcomes:

Successful value wrapped by Right Customised failed value wrapped by Left

Either like Option is a covariant data structure having two subtypes: Right[+A] and Left[+A]. Right represents the success case while Left — a failure case. Most methods defined for Either are Right-biased such as: map, flatMap and so on.

Let’s rewrite the smart constructors defined for our business models and use Either instead of Option, the code will speak for itself:

sealed trait TransactionCreationError object Currency { case object USD extends Currency case object EUR extends Currency case object GBP extends Currency trait UnsupportedCurrency extends TransactionCreationError object UnsupportedCurrency extends UnsupportedCurrency def fromString: String => Either[UnsupportedCurrency, Currency] = { case "USD" => Right(Currency.USD) case "EUR" => Right(Currency.EUR) case "GBP" => Right(Currency.GBP) case _ => Left(UnsupportedCurrency) } } object Amount { sealed trait AmountCreationError extends TransactionCreationError object AmountCreationError { case object NonPositiveAmount extends AmountCreationError case object MoreThanTenK extends AmountCreationError } import AmountCreationError._ def fromBigDecimal(amount: BigDecimal): Either[AmountCreationError, Amount] = for { _ <- Either.cond(amount > 0, amount, NonPositiveAmount) _ <- Either.cond(amount <= 10_000, amount, MoreThanTenK) } yield Amount(amount) } object FirstName { sealed trait FirstNameCreationError extends TransactionCreationError object FirstNameCreationError { case object EmptyFirstName extends FirstNameCreationError case object MoreThan20Chars extends FirstNameCreationError } import FirstNameCreationError._ def fromString(firstName: String): Either[FirstNameCreationError, FirstName] = for { _ <- Either.cond(firstName.nonEmpty, firstName, EmptyFirstName) _ <- Either.cond(firstName.length <= 20, firstName, MoreThan20Chars) } yield FirstName(firstName) } object LastName { sealed trait LastNameCreationError extends TransactionCreationError object LastNameCreationError { case object EmptyLastName extends LastNameCreationError case object MoreThan30Chars extends LastNameCreationError } import LastNameCreationError._ def fromString(lastName: String): Either[LastNameCreationError, LastName] = for { _ <- Either.cond(lastName.nonEmpty, lastName, EmptyLastName) _ <- Either.cond(lastName.length <= 30, lastName, MoreThan30Chars) } yield LastName(lastName) }

And now we have a concrete reason why Transaction instantiation may fail:

// Left(MoreThanTenK) val transactionOrError: Either[TransactionCreationError, Transaction] = for { fromFName <- FirstName.fromString("James") fromLName <- LastName.fromString("Gosling") from = Account(AccountId.gen, Owner(OwnerId.gen, fromFName, fromLName)) toFName <- FirstName.fromString("Martin") toLName <- LastName.fromString("Odersky") to = Account(AccountId.gen, Owner(OwnerId.gen, toFName, toLName)) amount <- Amount.fromBigDecimal(BigDecimal(50_000)) // for comprehension short circuits with Left(MoreThanTenK) currency <- Currency.fromString("USD") } yield Transaction(TransactionId.gen, from, to, amount, currency) transaction match { case Right(tx) => println(s"${tx.from.owner.firstName} sending ${tx.currency} ${tx.amount} to ${}") case Left(reason) => println(s"failed due to $reason") }

Ok, nice, Either is cool!

What about Try though? Try is a functional equivalent of imperative try/catch procedures which has a special constructor that receives a by name parameter that is unevaluated at call site thereby guaranteeing stack safety.

Try constructor looks like this:

object Try { def apply[A](thunk: => A): Try[A] = try Success(thunk) // try returning value wrapped by Success catch { case t: Throwable => Failure(t) } // if fails, return error wraped by Failure }

You may think of Try as a specialised Either with a fixed error channel parameterised by java.lang.Throwable as a supertype, so the mental model looks like Either[Throwable, A] where A is a generic type parameter.

Like Either and Option, Try is also covariant sum type and the concrete subtypes may be either Success[+A] or Failure[Throwable] representing successful and failed computations respectively.

Let’s compare imperative try/catch to functional Try:

import scala.util.{Try, Success, Failure} object imperative { // look at all that imperative verbose jazz... try { println(1 / 0) } catch { case ae: ArithmeticException => println(s"failed due to ${ae.getMessage}") } val nums = (1 to 3).toList try { println(nums(5)) } catch { case iobe: IndexOutOfBoundsException => println(s"failed due to ${iobe.getMessage}") } } object functional { // versus nice functional analogue Try(1 / 0) match { case Success(v) => println(v) case Failure(t) => println("failed due to $t") // Failure(ArithmeticException("/ by zero")) } val nums = (1 to 3).toList Try(nums(5)) match { case Success(v) => println(v) case Failure(t) => println("failed due to $t") // Failure(java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: 5) } }

And of course you can use methods defined on Try which take higher order functions to enable functional programming:

import scala.util.Try objet example_1 { val input = "I love Scala" val res: String = Try(input.substring(50, 100)) .fold(_ => "", _.toUpperCase) // "", since it fails with IndexOutOfBoundsException } object example_2 { val filePath = "my_project/config.json" // return Config.default if config loading fails val cfg1 = Try(loadConfig(filePath)) .getOrElse(Config.default) // or if you'd like to be more specific // recover with Config.default if loadConfig fails with FileNotFoundException val cfg2 = Try(loadConfig(filePath)).recover { case _: FileNotFoundException => Config.default } } object example_3 { def isNumber(input: String): Boolean = Try(input.toDouble).isSuccess isNumber("boom") // false isNumber("42") // true }

Try, Option and Either are interoperable with each other, a few examples to demonstrate that:

Try(42 / 6).toOption // Some(7) Try(42 / 0).toOption // None Try(42 / 6).toEither // Right(7) Try(42 / 0).toEither // Left(ArithmeticException) Right(10).toOption // Some(10) Left("Error").toOption // None Some(10).toRight("error") // Right(10) None.toRight("Error") // Left("Error") Some(10).toLeft(20) // Left(10) None.toLeft(50) // Right(50)

So, the big idea is that Try, Option and Either help us in treating errors as first class values instead of throwing exceptions.

Representing errors as values and operating on them via higher-order functions enables us to encapsulate and propagate them to lower channels where they can be treated properly.

If you’re interested in more advanced treatment of this topic I’d suggest you to check out cats library and especially

And remember, no matter what it is — just flatMap that shit.

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